sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2009

Practice of life

It’s interesting how life puts us in situations that make us prove some theories that many of us know, but are rarely put in practice. Recognize the necessity for compassion, the power of love, the practice of gratitude, forgiveness and the importance spreading smiles. Simple situations, but so complex in practice.

Talking with friends, listening to the chat of the strangers on the bus (dont’ tell for everybody, but this is one of my hobbies) and speeches by experts the main subject is always the same: when is humanity going to change these behavior? My reaction every time is the same: but who is the humanity? Then another: why that humanity doesn’t come to solve all problems here? Is there a super-hero or us? In third person it seems like every one lives on a different planet and the problem is of the "humanity" - nobody knows where "humanity" is, but it has to resolve the situation. But a few realize that it all depends of simple acts.

Almost two month ago Dalai Lama, on of the most significant pacifist alive, came to Vancouver. Many people, almost sixteen thousand students, was waiting his address to youth in one big event in the city. His presentation was about how youngers can change the future and give more peace for the world. In all his talk he used one word to exemplify what’s the mission of the new generation, one short and strong word: We. Perhaps this powerfullword explains what it’s necessary to do. But what’s this conection with others situations in our lifes? I think it’s possible to answer this question with another question: can you live alone?

It’s normal to see people talking about the end of the world, the prophecy of 2012 - it’s amazing how the humanity like to see the completly destruction of the world. I’m not critizaing people who believe in these theories, which maybe it’s possible to be true, the Earth is in evolution and something can happens. Now, one more time, some awesome film productions, with great special effects and good cast, shows how this moment will be for us. It’s admirable how many meticulous details they put in this movies to make this moment a fantastic exhibition. The new movie about this catastrophe sold almost US$ 225 million dollars global in tickets one weekend. I really don’t like this kind of movie, because it’s makes me stressed. But one important thing it’s intersting to see. Behind the many action scenes - buildings falling down, huge holes on streets and tsunamis - two feelings appear together. The first one is the natural instinct of survival, nobody wants to die. Which is the other one? Maybe one of the most fantastic and simple behaviours: compassion.

I don’t uderstand why this kind of feeling emergs more in difficult moments. If many of us asked about the hard situation on the planet, our conducts and how we can change, is it not a moment to help every one? Is it not a moment to make better days for us, but not only in bad circumstances?

In the course of society we forgot how it’s important to carry each other. How it’s important to forgive each other. Day by day time goes fast, and the maxim “Time is money” erodes society. Now is the time to change this sentence, i think it’s better “Time is life," not only money.

I like to observe the life, behaviours, feelings. I love be surprised with curious situations. In Vancouver when we wake up and don't have anything to do, and the weather is good - a sunny day, many times the best thing to enjoy is walk in Stanley Park. Every day it’s possible to see different situations, the park is never the same. Sometimes you can find many friends doing the same thing as you, nothing.

If you keep walking and you can find the beach on English Bay, beside the park, maybe one of the most popular beaches downtown. Families with kids, young guys, seniors, everybody goes there to have a good time.

One day I went there with friends and, of course, I find a different situation. It's very common to see people on streets singing, dancing or doing magic for money. But I haven't seen before one person as this guy.

His stage name is Spandy Andy, he is twenty two years old, works as a computer technician and a waiter. On weekends he turns in other person and goes to streets to do what is his biggest love, dancing. He dances all day, stop only a few moments to take water. Why? This is the best part: he dances only to make other people happy. He doesn’t ask for anything, just want to spread smiles.

With fancy clothes, a eigthies style, very exaggerated, and with a radius as a break dancers, the young dancer has fun doing others laughing. I talked with him and the answer for why he doing the presentation is clear: “I perform Spandy Andy because that is what I love to do. Making people laugh and being little crazy is my favorite thing in life!”

In the shows on streets he doesn’ t receive any reward in return. He says “the only thing that helps me is the support from everyone at my performances. When people laugh or send me a message saying thanks, it helps me,” he concludes.

How can this situation change little realities? For him, laugh makes him happy, and his happiness cause a chain reaction. It’s an exchange. Whoever whatches the presentation stays more happy, open mind for the world and friendly.

These days I saw a video on Facebook from a friend. Amazing. I confess, I cried. A day after their daughter was born, my friend took his first child to know his sister. The little princess was born the day before and the little boy had not seen her yet. The father and mother were very anxious, no one could imagined what his reaction could be . He was not longer the only prince of the house, now he had to divide space and time with a girl. All reactions were recorded by the new father, who couldn’t miss this moment. The bedroom door opens and they enter. Excited the little boy says: - Mom! And he was received with the same enthusiasm by his mother. The mother, lying slightly to one side, involves gently the baby while breast-feeding, so the boy can not see his sister. They talk a little bit, until she asks: - Do you want to see the baby? He walks faster to the other side of the bed. With his mother’s help he goes to see on the bed. - Baby! He says. With eyes delighted and not knowing what to do he lightly touches the sister’s face, gently caresses the girl’s head. With his mother’s help he lies down next to her and involves the little baby with his arms. He stays a few minutes stroking, hugging and caressingly his sister. They seem to be able to communicate. In his eyes the happiness to see a new member of family. - Dady, Baby!!! He repeated happily. He is little scared with his sister crying. But soon he learns, with his mother’s help, what to do for her to calm down. A very gentle and low sound, "Shhhhh-shhhhh", that makes the girl fall asleep.

What is the conection of this story to the present and future of humanity? Why do people cry when they watch something like that? The answer is simple: it is the purest and unintended demonstration of love. I hope when this child will watch this video in few years, he will understand the main meaning of this moment and spread it. Sometimes I feel that we have to go back to being a child, with the purest feelings. Learn again how to live, to watch the life with loving eyes. Finally understand that every day born new children, new brothers, and we have take care of each other.

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